3 Tips for Using Plastic Worms

There are many things that you can do to improve your fishing game. Here are a few tips for using plastic worms to help you achieve that goal of catching those lunkers.
Tip 1: Determining if it Floats or Sinks
I know this is going to sound wierd or even creepy, but there is a way to tell without sticking the worm in the water—stick the worm in your mouth instead. If it tastes salty, it is mostly likely going to sink. Floating worms do not have any added salt, so they aren’t as heavy.
So, if you no longer have the original packaging or you don’t remember if the worms you are using float or sink, this is a great way to tell. Also, keep in mind that if you are fishing a shaky head, floating worms are your better choice.
Tip 2: Do Not Expose the Hook
Whether you are fishing a Texas or Carolina rig, or even a Weedless Wacky rig, you will always want to leave your hook unexposed. There are many reasons for doing this. Here are a couple.
One reason is that when doing so, your rig will be weedless. If you leave the hook exposed–even the tiniest bit–you are more than likely to snag it on some type of vegetation. You’ll find yourself cleaning it off after each cast more often than not. I learned this the hard way.
Another reason is that it is simply unnecessary when it comes to hook sets. If the bass really wants it, he will take the whole thing in his mouth and bite down between the hook gap, allowing the hook to pierce through the worm. This will make it possible to set the hook.
Tip 3: The Worm Can Never Be Too Big
I have mentioned this in a 3 Largemouth Bass Observations and I still believe in it. Yesterday, I was fishing with a 9” Zoom® Magnum II and caught a small spotted bass barely longer than the worm itself. If you use smaller worms, you will be targeting the smaller fish. But if you use larger worms, you will have a better chance of landing some lunkers and the little guys will bite too.
I hope these tips help you out with your fishing game, especially when using plastic worms, regardless of the fishing rig you use.